Nov. 28, 2023 — Check out David Sadzin’s new podcast “Winning at Losing,” stories about the people who ran for U.S. president and lost. Episode 4 focuses on New York Tribune publisher Horace Greeley who sought the presidency in 1872, with tragic consequences. I put in my two-bits.
Nov. 9, 2022 — “What Newsboys Have to Tell Us About Fake News, Gig Work, and Social Media,” Montclair State University, Brantl Lecture Hall, 177 Dickson, 1 pm.
April 23, 2022 — Author Series Book Talk, Monterey Public Library Terrace, 625 Pacific St., Monterey, CA 93940. 1-2:30 pm.
April 26, 2022 — Del Mesa Carmel, 4:30-5:30, “From Monterey to Manhattan: My Journey through the Doors of History,” 500 Del Mesa Drive, Carmel Valley, CA 93923. (831) 624-1853.
Sept. 25, 2021 — “Local Authors in Conversation,” Emma Clark Library, Setauket, NY, Saturday, Sept. 25, 2–3:30 PM EST. With memoirist David Bouchier, biographer Gene Hammond, poets Carmen Bugan, Gayl Teller, and others. Via Zoom. Register here. Free admission.
June 16, 2021 — “Birth of a Titan: Paul Manship’s Prometheus,” Wadsworth Atheneum, 12-1. Via Zoom. One of the most recognizable sculptures in the United States, Paul Manship’s Prometheus has presided over Rockefeller Center since 1934. A prized backdrop to countless photographs of tourists, shoppers, and ice skaters, the recumbent titan attracted a torrent of abuse when first unveiled. This talk focuses on the work’s creation and reception as a flashpoint in the historical relationship between art and commerce in 20th Century America.
June 2021 — “The ‘Contagion’ of 1886: Schoolchildren’s Strikes in Gilded Age America,” at ‘Children and Young People, Speaking Up and Speaking Out,’ Biennial Conference of the Children’s History Society with the Manchester Centre for Youth Studies, with support from the History Research Centre at Manchester Metropolitan University. Via Zoom.
May 12, 2021 — Vincent DiGirolamo, author of Crying the News and winner of Society for Historians of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era’s 2021 Vincent P. DeSantis Book Prize, in conversation with judges Elaine Frantz, Sonia Hernandez, and Patricia Nelson Limerick. 7 pm EST. Register here.
Oct. 22, 2020 — Fireside Chat online Book Talk, Crying the News: A History of America’s Newsboys, The Library Company of Philadelphia, 7 pm EST. Watch here.
Oct. 7, 2020 — “The Secret Life of Books,” First Year Humanities Scholars Honors Course, University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Profs. Craig Saper and Lindsey DeCurci.
Sept. 30, 2020 — Victorian Society of New York, 6–7 pm. Book talk on Crying the News.
June 23, 2020 — “Adventures in Newsboydom; or, Periodical Studies from the Pavement Up,” Zoom lecture for NEH Summer Seminar, City of Print: New York and the Periodical Press from the Antebellum Era to the Digital Age.
March 28, 2020 — (Cancelled due to COVID-19) — “The Lost Sisterhood of America’s Newsgirls,” Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site, 28 East 20th St., New York,
March 17, 2020 — (Cancelled due to COVID-19) — Rizzoli Bookstore, 1133 Broadway, between 25th & 26th St. New York, NY 10010, 6-7:30 pm. Vincent DiGirolamo will be in conversation with scholar Eve Kahn about his new book Crying the News: A History of America’s Newsboys.
Feb. 28, 2020 — “The Yellow Kids: New York Newsboys in the 1890s,” Robert Sandler’s History of New York City class, Stuyvesant High School, New York.
Feb. 19, 2020 — Crying the News: A History of America’s Newsboys – a discussion with the author. Professor Vincent DiGirolamo, LDP at Waterside, 25 Waterside Plaza, New York.
Dec. 16, 2019 — Sarah Holliday, “Celebrating Our Member Writers, December 2019,” New York Society Library, Jan. 28, 2020.
Dec. 5, 2019, 12:30 pm — “Making Sense of Newsboys: Heroes, Victims and the ‘Illusion of the Near,'” York College, School of Arts & Sciences, Fall Expo, Rm. AC-2D01.
Nov. 21, 2019 — Book Talk: “Confronting the Illusion of the Near,” Baruch College VC 13-150, 12:30-2 pm., 24th and Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10010.
Oct. 22, 2019 — New York Metro American Studies Association Salon Talk hosted by Sarah Chinn, Faculty and Staff Lounge, 8th floor, West Building, Hunter College (Lexington Ave. & 68th St.).
June 27, 2019 — “Rumblings in the West: Newsboy Labor and Militancy on the American Industrial Frontier,” Encounters and Exchanges, Biennial Conference, Society for the History of Children & Youth, Australian Catholic University, Sydney, Australia.
May 17, 2019 — “Gods Among Men: Creating the Athlete-Hero in American Visual Culture,” Myth, Mystique, Masterpiece: 24th Annual American Art Conference, Initiatives in American Art and Culture, Bonhams, New York.
May 15, 2019 — Crying the News featured in CUNY Office of Research Celebration of the 2018 Book Completion Award Winners, The Graduate Center, Martin E. Segal Theatre, New York.
March 29, 2019 — “From Monterey to Manhattan: Opening the Door to Italian American Studies,” Minding the Gap: Retaining & Sustaining the Academic Community, CUNY Faculty Diversity and Inclusion Conference 2019, CUNY Graduate Center, New York.
Jan. 9, 2018 — “Children of the Print Revolution,” National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, Peter Minuit Chapter, New York.
April 17, 2017 — “Riding the Wanderlust Express: Railroad Newsboys in 19th-Century America,” Organization of American Historians Annual Meeting, New Orleans.
April 20, 2016 — “Muscle Journalism,” 1927! Kaleidoscope of a Year, National Humanities Center, Triangle Park, NC.
June 16, 2015 — “Coming of Age with the Penny Press,” City of Print: New York and the Periodical Press from the Antebellum Era to the Digital Age, NEH Summer Seminar, John Jay College, New York.
May 29, 2015 — “Schooling the Streetwise: Newsboy Schools, Clubs, and Reading Rooms in Gilded-Age America,” Fighting Inequality, International Labor & Working Class History Association, Georgetown University, Washington, DC.
March 4, 2015 — “Roar of the Tabloids: Newsboys and the Challenge of Modernity in 1920s America,” Columbia University Seminar on the City, New York.
Oct. 12, 2014 — “‘Little Aliens of a Beaten Race’: Immigrant Newsboys and Newsgirls in America, 1892-1924,” Hoboken Historical Museum, Hoboken, NJ.